All summer, August 27th has been marked on the calender. It was the date of my son's GCSE results. (For any of you not from the UK - these are exams taken at the end of Secondary School when 15/16yrs old).
Although he had achieved good marks in his Coursework, the final grades were also dependent upon how well he performed in his exams.
I don't know who was more nervous going to school to collect them - but we both took a deep breath and faced the music.
The outcome was that he passed all 11
- Mathematics - B
- English Literature - B
- Divinity - B
- Biology - C
- Chemistry - C
- Physics - C
- English Language - C
- Geography - C
- Design & Technology - C
- History - D
- French - D
They were great results, but not quite good enough though to let him stay and study his A'Levels at his current school (he needed 5 x B's). So after an afternoon of letting everything sink in - we plowed on with Plan B.
He will now be going to the local 6th Form College instead, and will be studying Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Business Studies.
We are so very, very proud of him.
I'll leave you with a picture of the electric guitar he made for his D&T course. He used the neck and electrics from a second hand bought guitar but designed the shape and cut it from a block of wood and fitted all the fixings to it.