You Are An ISTJ
![]() The Duty Fulfiller You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knittings. Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
Forgive the hair - it doesn't see a brush very often
He was conceived in the first month of trying but made us wait an extra 11 days past his due date and arrived after a 30 hour labour with the cord around his neck!!
He was gorgeous though (but doesn't every mum say that?) - and I can still recall those few days at the hospital doing not much else but watching him sleep.For the rest of his presents he raided the Rollersnakes catalogue and chose amongst other things these Vans
love Mum, M & H xx
Secondly I made Makka Pakka.
I had real trouble deciding how I was going to make the knobbly bits that protrude from his head. I worked out a solution in the end but not until after the use of a few expletives!!
There are a few more shots of them on Flickr.
I just hope that the receipients like them!!
1 x Russian Doll Swap - the concept has been finalised so just need to get sewing!!
1 x Mini Quilt Swap
ITNG Makka Pakka Soft Toy
But to the list I've added:
2 x Buggy Liners
3 x Buggy strap pads
30 x Nappy Liners - but that's just cutting up some fleece!!
1 x Drawstring Playmat
1 x Messenger Bag
1 x Kids Inspired Swap - see details at MeeCrafty