As the more observant of you can see my blog has been a little neglected of late. It's not that I've not been busy - in fact I was still sewing on Christmas Eve - it's just that I couldn't see the point in blogging about any of it!
Reflecting on this, I came to the conclussion that it doesn't matter if I don't get any visitors or comments left, I should just use my blog as I think it should be used - as an on-line record of my crafty outcomes and achievements, with a bit of family life thrown in for good measure. Something to look back on in my old age which believe me is not that far away!
Over the past year I feel that I have grown quite a lot as a crafter. My first Quilting Bee - SC3 will be coming to an end in a couple of months (mine being the last one!!), and because I've enjoyed the experience and especially the commeraderie built up between us - I've joined another 3!!
I've taken part in numerous swaps - mostly organised by some wonderful quilters on Flickr - and I hope to continue to participate in 2010.
Other bright ideas I have are:
a) sorting and organising my craft room - but I have to visit Ikea first for a table
b) make sure I link my blog entries to my uploads on Flickr
c) getting my own website - or at least opening one or more online shops (e.g. Folksy, MISI)
d) actually turning some of the mountains of fabric I have into something beautiful/usable etc.
e) learn to quilt in something other than a straight line
and f) those perennial favourites - lose weight and get fitter!!
I'll leave you all for now with a picture of the kids wrapped up in the quilts I managed to sew together just in time for Santa's visit (but they still need quilting!) but I promise I will be back shortly to show what I got up to over the last couple of months of 2009.
Happy Crafting.