Sunday 14 December 2008

A Whole Heap of Softness

I don't know if it's because Christmas is coming but lately I've been asked to make a few softies.

Firstly I made another of my Robot's for I'maGingerMonkey.

Secondly there was a pair of Razzledazzles from the BBC CBeebies programme of the same name.

And lastly a Red and Green Tombliboo who's a character from "In The Night Garden" (another children's TV programme). This was the second one I made as the head of the first wasn't wide enough!!

And still on the drawing board (or should that be cutting board??) are a pair of RagDolls that I'll be making for my neice and DD's godfather's daughter. I'll be using this tutorial from 60piggies. So that they are washable I'll be making them totally from fleece.


  1. oohh what a lovely heap of softies! love razzledazzle best!

  2. I am very glad I looked at this now that the children are in bed, otherwise I wouldn't have got them away from looking at the Tombliboo!

  3. I love that Tombliboo! and Razzledazzle too. I've checked out the link for the softie doll you posted. That's just the cutest thing ever. I'm adding one of those to my ever growing To Do List! LOL

